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Your guide to Welfare & Inclusions

SUPAS is an inclusive and accessible society; we welcome those of any ethnicity, gender, sexuality and those with disabilities or mental health issues. 


Together, our committee strive to provide the most inclusive environment for all new and existing members. Your welfare is one of our upmost priorities in every decision we make. So please take some time to check out what we are doing to ensure you have the best experience possible, and what you can do too! 


If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to get in touch! Orlaith (Inclusions and Welfare Officer) can be contacted via or





Our Inclusions Team are always up for talking! Maybe you're finding it difficult to balance SUPAS alongside your degree; struggling to find your place in the society; have suggestions for we can improve your experience... whatever it is, we're here for you! 


We have a Inclusions Lead for every department within the society who are happy to meet up for a chat whenever you want. These people are...


Orlaith Day (Welfare and Inclusions Officer) for any issues/concerns at all

Siân Beddows (Technical Coordinator) here for all our wonderful techies

Eve Catanach (President) a point of contact for the whole society 

Belle Cook (Show Producer) a point of contact for involvement within shows

To Be Filled (First Year Representative) for our newest members of the society






Our Inclusions Team and wider Committee really appreciate hearing feedback from our members. We have online, face-to-face and anonymous ways for you to get in touch...



Instead of drop-in sessions, this year Orlaith  will be having office hours where you can request a time/place for a chat if you are having any issues.

Please fill in this form as much as you can and I will be checking on a Friday afternoon for the week ahead and will get back to you then.

As always, everything discussed will be strictly confidential however, if for any reason, your health and safety is at risk then this confidentiality will be broken



We have a rolling Feedback Form which you can use to comment on any part of your experience in the society, at any point in the year. Submissions to this Google form are anonymous, however there this an option to declare your name if you wish. Please note, only the Inclusions Team can see responses to the Feedback Form.


Access the Anonymous Feedback Form here:



We have a separate email account that is only viewable by Orlaith (Inclusions and Welfare Officer). Obviously this is not an anonymous medium, but you can send any feedback or express personal concerns here, and it will be kept strictly confidential. Anything sent to this account will not be shared with other committee members unless you agree for Abby to do so. 


Please send your emails to:



As previously mentioned, SUPAS aims to be an accessible society for everyone - in the event that your access needs are not catered for, we would appreciate being informed so we can work to improve this. These are just some of the steps we have taken to improve accessibility:



If you a member of the company for any SUPAS production - cast/band/technical team/production team you are required to complete an emergency contact form. Your Stage Manager will ask you to fill these out as early on in the rehearsal process as possible so that we are aware of any issues/concerns you have and are able to support you through the entirety of the process. You may use this form to make known any injuries/allergies/disabilities/medical issues/mental health issues, etc. 



  • VENUES - rehearsal rooms and performance venues in accessible premises - the University Drama Studio is equipped with wheelchair access; access toilet facilities; hearing induction loop.

  • TAKE A BREAK - auditions and rehearsals can be adapted to accommodate your needs/abilities/injuries - we take regular breaks whilst rehearsing material, but just let us know if you need to sit out for a short time. We are also understanding of different speeds of learning.

  • QUIET POLICY - adapted by Rebecca Wight. SUPAS can be full on at times, so if you ever find yourself in a situation where you need some space or quiet time, we encourage you to just say the word "quiet" to a committee member/production team/stage crew and they will completely understand your need to be excused.

  • REHEARSAL TIME - typically, we rehearse on Tuesday and Thursday evenings and from 12-6pm on Sundays. Please let us know if these clash with things like religious needs, as our Production Teams are more than flexible to accommodate this.



  • DIVERSE - our Social Secretary (Stan) plans a wide range of socials throughout the year that include alcoholic and non-alcoholic activities. Let us know if you have suggestions for a social!

  • VENUES - unfortunately, a social such as a bar crawl proves rather inaccessible for those with access needs! Most bars on West Street are unavoidably noisy and overcrowded, with downstairs or upstairs toilets. However, we always aim to begin a social in at least one accessible venue so you can certainly join us there!


Accessibility Form


  • ​This year SUPAS is aiming to be as inclusive as possible for all of our members and we decided the best way to do that was to hear from you! Please fill in this form with any requirements you may need for the next year or anything you think we could be doing to make our society as accessible as possible. If you haven't started your time in SUPAS yet, please still fill in the form so we can be prepared for YOUR needs in our events over the next year so you can have a safe and enjoyable time in our society. This form will remain open for the entirety of this year so you can fill it in at any time.


Made by SUPAS, for SUPAS.

© 2023 Sheffield University Performings Arts Society. All rights reserved.

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